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Why Pigeons Are a Problem for Rooftop Solar Panels in AZ

Once you invest in a solar energy system for your home, you want to ensure that your investment lasts. Unfortunately, damage from pigeons and other pests can put your solar panels at risk. If you live in Phoenix, you know that pigeons are one of the biggest wildlife problems in the area. Without protection, your solar panels can take some severe damage from these pests. Why are pigeons such a problem for rooftop solar panels in Arizona? Find the answer—and how to fix it—with this guide.

Nests and Debris Get Under the Panels

When pigeons start gathering around your solar panels, they’re usually looking for somewhere to take shelter and build their nests. Unfortunately for you, this means plenty of twigs, leaves, and other debris in the space between your panels and your roof.

The nests and other debris can damage the wiring beneath your solar panels. Furthermore, too much debris can block airflow and cause your system to overheat. Even if your solar panels go unharmed, the buildup beneath them can cause leaks, gutter damage, and other problems for your roof.

Stains Ruin Your Panel’s Performance

Wherever pigeons go, droppings are sure to follow. In addition to ruining the look of your home, pigeon droppings harm the performance of your solar panels. The stains and grime build up over time and lower your solar system’s productivity. This means less power and energy efficiency. You’ll also have to hire a cleaning service to take care of your solar panels and restore them to their best condition.

Pigeons Are Creatures of Habit

Any pest is terrible news for your home, but pigeons are a problem for rooftop solar panels in Arizona because they’re stubborn and numerous. Once they like your rooftop (and with the convenient shelter of your solar panels, why wouldn’t they?), they’re not going to leave on their own. What starts as a minor bird problem can become a serious headache if you’re not careful.

Expert Bird Proofing Can Help

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to protect your solar panel system from pigeons and other pests. Expert bird proofing and protection from a trusted solar company in Phoenix, Arizona, will ensure that pigeons stay away from your solar panels.

The team at Solar Restore has experience installing safe and effective bird proofing around solar panels to protect your system and your roof from pests. Visit us today to learn more about our solar services and how we can help you make the most of your solar energy system.

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